If you want to learn how to stop smoking before you get your next cold, I think I can help.
My name is Bill. I'm an ex-smoker. I quit smoking about 15 years ago, but I remember what it was like getting a cold, or getting a nasal infection, or a throat infection when I smoked. It was miserable!
Even just your basic cold was almost unbearable. Now as a non-smoker, when I get a cold, I'm like most people. I'll have it for a couple of days. I'm a little snuffly. I might have a sore throat. I might feel a little miserable. But I take some medicine, and it generally helps me. Even some natural remedies can help me to feel a lot better.
As a smoker, every cold became a major problem. I remember day after day of congestion. Tissues, handkerchiefs, nose running and constantly congested. I couldn't breathe normally for a couple of weeks before I would finally get over a typical cold.
I remember just feeling so miserable, no matter what I took, it didn't seem to help. I would take nasal remedies, I would take pills, I would take tablets. No matter what, I couldn't clear it, and ultimately what really ended up happening is that it just had to run its course.
But a typical cold, which for most people could possibly be two or three days, and then they feel better, would always be much worse as a smoker.
If an actual infection was involved, I typically would have 10 days of antibiotics and 10 days at least of symptoms.
How bad would it be for a smoker with Covid?
After you stop smoking, and you get a cold, even though they're not great (and nobody wants to be sick), I'm telling you that you will feel a lot better than you did when you smoked.
You will go through illnesses much better, you will get better much quicker, and you'll be able to carry on without the same kind of issues that you did when you smoked. There is no doubt in my mind that being a non-smoker when you get sick is your first leg up to your recovery.
When I quit about 15 years ago, I wrote down everything that I did to prepare to stop smoking, I wrote down how I felt, and I wrote down what worked.
Now, 15 years later, as I get near retirement I've decided to put this all together as a program and make it available to help other people quit smoking. It will sell for less than the cost of one carton of cigarettes in many places around the country right now, so if you are interested and you'd like to learn a little bit more, click the link now.
You stand nothing to lose. I will tell you that I believe this program works. I literally bet my life on it!
I look forward to seeing you as a non-smoker!
Learn more NOW by clicking the link below or by visiting
#to stop smoking #quitsmoking #nonsmoker
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