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How to Handle the Little Voice in You that Tries to Persuade You Not to Quit Smoking

 Quitting smoking is no easy task, and while it may seem like a challenge at first, it is entirely possible to break the habit and enjoy a healthier lifestyle. One hurdle to getting started is dealing with the little voice in your head that tries to convince you not to change your lifestyle. That voice pleads with you every time you think of making a change, telling you to just have one more cigarette or to try and quit tomorrow. But no matter how strong that voice is, it’s more possible than ever to ignore it and take the plunge.

woman uncertain about the voice in her head telling her not to quit smoiking cigarettes

The first step in handling the little voice in your head is to recognize it and acknowledge it. Despite that voice trying to talk you out of it, you have to know that quitting smoking is in your best interest. Keep reminding yourself that you are doing this for your own well-being and that there are real benefits to quitting.

The next step is to be proactive in making progress. This could mean anything from replacing the smoking habit with a healthier alternative to making a plan and setting goals. Writing down your goals on paper or on a computer and following them is a great way to stay on track. Watching yourself make progress is also a great way to keep yourself motivated.

It's no secret that smoking cigarettes is one of the most dangerous and costly habits out there. Smoking can damage your health in a multitude of ways, from increasing your risk of developing lung cancer to creating life-long physical and psychological damage. And yet, quitting smoking often feels overwhelming and impossible. This is because of the little voice inside all of us that tells us that smoking's not so bad, that we can do it every once in a while, or that we just can't quit. But in reality, even the slightest amount of smoking can have serious negative effects.

One way to handle this little voice is to change your thinking. For example, instead of focusing on the fact that stopping smoking will be difficult and require a lot of time and effort, focus on the rewards that come with quitting. For instance, you'll be able to breathe easier, exercise without feeling exhausted, have more energy, and have a greater sense of wellbeing overall. In addition, you'll see a huge saving in your wallet not having to buy cigarettes and related supplies.

When the little voice taunts you, find a way to counteract its attempts to sabotage your plans. Practices like meditation and deep breathing help to clear your mind and allow you to think more constructively. Or as another option, take some time to do something you enjoy, like listening to music, reading a book, or going out on a walk. Doing something you enjoy will make you feel more grounded and capable of ignoring the little voice in your head.

Finally, make sure you stay social after you quit. Keep your circle of family and friends informed about your progress and strive to find support networks such as quit-smoking classes and forums. Seeing that other people are joining you in your mission to stop smoking can bolster your self-confidence and make it easier to stick to your healthy decisions.

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