The question of how to stop nicotine addiction forever has a simple answer, but it may not be easy. Let's take a look at the way nicotine addiction affects most people. According to many experts I have researched, nicotine is usually out of your system in roughly 24 hours. In some cases, the nicotine can last longer in your system, possibly a few days. I don’t know if anyone can predict that, but if you have any concerns about nicotine, please speak to a qualified medical professional. For the most part by the second day after you quit, it becomes more of a mental addiction. This is the part that you have to be prepared for. Because of all the ways, you have associated smoking with your daily routine, such as drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette. You have to be able to battle this mental addiction. I am not sure if that is an actual term, but I think it does help to describe the difficulty of continuing to not smoke, even after the chemical addiction has stopped affectin...
I quit smoking almost 15 years ago using a simple process that I documented then. I have now made this program available for less than the price of a carton of cigarettes, to help others to stop smoking. Please learn more if you want to quit.