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How To Stop Smoking Tobacco?

 How To Stop Smoking Tobacco?

If you want to know how to stop smoking tobacco I think I can help. My name is Bill and I'm an ex-smoker. 

I quit some time ago and I urge everybody that if you smoke, and you want to stop smoking tobacco, start by taking a step back from the whole process.

Shows tobacco and says how to stop smoking tobacco?

Think to yourself - what is it right now that you really like about smoking?

You could even make a written list if you want to sit down and do so, but at least have a mental list in your head. Then I urge you to sit down and think about the things you don't like about smoking. 

What happened to me, at least when I was still a smoker, is I found out that I was just always captive to the next step in my day of smoking. What I mean is that I would get up in the morning, and one of the first things I wanted to do, and that need in my body was, to have a cigarette.

So I’d have to start the day with a cigarette. In my case, at least for a number of years before I quit smoking, I did stop smoking inside my house for my family's benefit. However, I had to go outside when I smoked.

When you smoke outside, and I lived in New York so we do have winter and everything else, and I knew that it meant that I had to go out in the rain, or the snow, or the wind, or a storm, or in the dark, or in the light, or the early morning, or the late night ……

Every darn time you want to have a cigarette, you would be outside smoking.

 So first of all getting up as I said in the morning, and doing this routine every day, is very difficult. Then I'm a coffee drinker so I always have a cup of freshly brewed coffee, so I would begin drinking coffee, and then not too far into the cup of coffee - sure enough - it would be time for another cigarette!

Depending on how the day went, if I had to go to work, I had to plan for a nicotine fix.

I would try to avoid smoking in our cars, mainly as I got older, had a family, and had newer cars.

When I was younger, I always smoked in our cars. Everyone that ever rode with me found that out as well!

To try to avoid smoking in the cars, especially after we get new ones, I would have a cigarette before I started to drive to work. When I got to work, before I went to work, I would have another cigarette. Then the whole time when I was at work, I was just thinking about when the next cigarette will be.

Sound familiar?

This gets crazy after a while. You know you're looking at your watch, and you're supposed to be thinking about your work, and you're sitting there saying “When I can go on break in 20 minutes if I run outside, and I get to the smoking area, I can puff away. Maybe I can have two quick cigarettes!”

Sound familiar?

After you come back in, you think about how much longer until you go to lunch, and can eat, and race outside, and the process starts all over again.

Then, of course, the story repeats throughout the afternoon.

When you're ready to leave work, you go outside and have a cigarette before, or while you're in your car on the ride home. Once you get home, if you didn't smoke, or you wanted another cigarette, you smoke again.

A nice dinner? Great.Now what? Time to smoke again! Grab your overcoat, rain gear, or winter hat and gloves, and head outside!

Have you had times when you just had a cigarette, and then 10 minutes later, you realize your favorite show is coming on in 10 more minutes? You don't really want to be interrupted, so you head out again to just have another cigarette, so this way you can smoke before the show and again after the show.

The process repeats itself, over and over, and this happens right up until you go to bed. 

Of course, you want that last cigarette before you go to bed.

So whatever your nighttime routine is, if you were like me, you will be outside before bedtime every night, having that last cigarette.

When you really start thinking about that, and you take a step back and you look at your life, you would probably say to yourself “Wow, I am literally ruled by my smoking.”

You can't go any time, or go any distance, or be involved in activities, or anything else, without the cigarettes having to have control over me.

The thing that you need to be concerned about is not your ride, it's not your job, it's not your activities, it's not what you’re going to eat, it's not what you’re going to watch - it's the next cigarette that you are going to smoke.

That is crazy.

So if you want to know how to stop smoking tobacco, I urge you to begin with an understanding of the mentality of smoking, with the mindset of what's really going on here.

Now I've always been a big Advocate to find a mentor. To find somebody that's been there before you. Somebody that's done what it is you're looking to do. Somebody that understands how to do whatever process or activity that you want to accomplish.

Maybe you want to take a course if you wanted to learn to paint pictures. You would get a mentor, learn how from somebody that knows how to paint pictures, and has taught other people, and they've been successfully able to paint pictures of their own.

I think the same thing is true when you quit smoking. I don't think you should try to stop smoking tobacco on your own. I do think you should find a mentor that's been successful, and knows the ins and outs of stopping to smoke tobacco. 

When I quit about 15 years ago, I wrote down everything that I did to prepare to stop smoking, I wrote down how I felt, and I wrote down what worked. 

Now, 15 years later, as I get near retirement I've decided to put this all together as a program and make it available to help other people quit smoking. It will sell for less than the cost of one carton of cigarettes in many places around the country right now, so if you are interested and you'd like to learn a little bit more, click the link now.

You stand nothing to lose. I will tell you that I believe this program works.

 I literally bet my life on it!

I look forward to seeing you as a non-smoker!

Learn more NOW by clicking the link below or by visiting

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