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Celebrities That Smoke Cigarettes - 1

 Celebrities That Smoke Cigarettes.

People love to know how celebrities live, especially film and tv stars. 

Although they may have more money than most people, which makes everyday things like grocery shopping or cutting the lawn easier for them, they still may have the same habits or even problems that everyone else has.

Smoking is no exception.

The Hollywood sign and palm trees with a discussion about Celebrities That Smoke Cigarettes.

There are a number of celebrities that smoke cigarettes, but many of them keep that out of public view, opting not to be seen puffing on a cigarette where they could be seen or photographed.

I want to point out at this point that all the info gathered for this series of blog posts and shorts video has been researched online, and it’s assumed to be accurate. We have no way of knowing if the celebrities really are current or past cigarette smokers, or may quit in the future because I have no first-hand knowledge about any of the celebrities' lives.

Our first celebrity has one both Golden Globes as well as Academy awards. 

As an actor and a filmmaker, he has had quite a good career for someone still in their forties. 

Some reports online say that he was seen during Covid wearing a mask but still smoking.

Today’s celebrity that smokes cigarettes is Ben Affleck.

Again, I have no way to know if he does or does not smoke cigarettes, but if he does, we hope that he will decide to stop smoking and become an ex-smoker soon!

Click To Watch Celebrities That Smoke Cigarettes Shorts Video

I quit smoking cigarettes almost 15 years ago after decades as a smoker, and at that time, I detailed the plan that I followed. I have finally made it available to others for less than the price of a carton of cigarettes in many areas. I offer a money-back guarantee too. I truly believe that you can become an ex-smoker with minimal discomfort, and stop puffing smoke in the rain and snow, or in some isolated area away from civilization while paying some of the highest taxes on any products sold! 

I know my plan to stop smoking works. I bet my life on it!

Learn more NOW by clicking the link below or by visiting

#tostopsmoking #quitsmoking #nonsmoker


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