Should I try to stop smoking before surgery? That's a decision that many people are faced.
Let me say right from the beginning that I am not a medical professional. I am not giving medical advice. I'm not telling anyone what they should or should not do. I'm simply looking at a topic that a lot of people talk about, or have concerns about, and I’m simply discussing my opinions about that topic.
I have said many times in my videos it's been 15 years since I stopped smoking cigarettes, and during that time, I did end up in the hospital with non-related health problems.
I ended up having to spend a number of overnights in the hospital, and I know when I was it was a cigarette smoker, I was very concerned about how smokers have to handle hospital stays.
I did not have any idea how I would handle it. What would I do if I ended up in a hospital where I cannot smoke? I assume that most hospitals do not allow cigarette smoking. Considering the oxygen lines, medications, and everything else that could impact patient health, I don’t know how they ever allowed patients to smoke!
If you had to spend time in a hospital and you could not smoke a cigarette, how would it make you feel?
Would being forced to quit “cold turkey” help your recovery, or make it more difficult?
In my opinion, the way people would best suit themselves would be to stop smoking before a hospital stay.
This involves two concepts. First, if you know in advance that you will be having a planned procedure and will not be able to smoke for an extended period, then why not plan now to stop smoking ahead of time?
If you have no plans to be in a medical facility, then why not quit smoking to help you stay out of one?
When you want to stop smoking, I think you should start with a plan. You need to give yourself the time now ahead of your surgery or procedure.
For those that can simply stop and never pick up another cigarette again, that’s great! if you have that kind of willpower, then go for it! More power to you.
However, for most of us, I don't think that's probably the best way to go. I do think that if you are able to plan surgery, as many people are these days, then plan to quit smoking before that date.
People have cosmetic surgery, they have elective surgeries - they may have surgery for something that's not a critical ailment, illness, or injury. Something that doesn't require an unplanned stay in the hospital.
If you have the time to prepare for surgery, and you are a cigarette smoker and have some time to prepare to quit smoking, then use this time wisely! Stopping smoking in advance will greatly serve you once you're actually having surgery.
Because of the health problems that smoking can cause, and again this is not medical advice, I would assume that a non-smoker is going to handle anesthesia better.
It's probably best for a person to be a non-smoker during a procedure because they could probably breathe easier. A non-smoker can probably recover more easily, simply assuming overall better health. I think it is also logical that recovery after surgery would probably be better when the patient does not smoke.
Certainly, from a mental or emotional standpoint, the patient recovering is not spending every waking moment thinking about having a cigarette.
Instead, they can focus on recovering and living a normal life again.
So, if you want to stop smoking before surgery, the best thing I think to do is, to begin with a plan, and to give yourself the proper amount of time to prepare ahead of your procedure date. Once you have a plan in place, and you follow the process, it is always best, in my opinion, to find a mentor.
Somebody that has done what you are looking to do and done it successfully. In the past, I have used the example that if you want to learn to paint on canvas, find an artist who has already painted successfully on canvas.
This way, you will probably get better success in a minimal amount of time.
The same would be true when it comes to stopping smoking.
I quit smoking cigarettes almost 15 years ago after decades as a smoker, and at that time, I detailed the plan I followed. I have finally made it available to others for less than the price of a carton of cigarettes in many areas. I offer a money-back guarantee too. I truly believe that you can become an ex-smoker with minimal discomfort, and stop puffing smoke in the rain and snow, or in some isolated area away from civilization while paying some of the highest taxes on any products sold!
I know my plan to stop smoking works. I bet my life on it!
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