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How to Handle the Little Voice in You that Tries to Persuade You Not to Quit Smoking

  Quitting smoking is no easy task, and while it may seem like a challenge at first, it is entirely possible to break the habit and enjoy a healthier lifestyle. One hurdle to getting started is dealing with the little voice in your head that tries to convince you not to change your lifestyle. That voice pleads with you every time you think of making a change, telling you to just have one more cigarette or to try and quit tomorrow. But no matter how strong that voice is, it’s more possible than ever to ignore it and take the plunge . The first step in handling the little voice in your head is to recognize it and acknowledge it. Despite that voice trying to talk you out of it, you have to know that quitting smoking is in your best interest. Keep reminding yourself that you are doing this for your own well-being and that there are real benefits to quitting. The next step is to be proactive in making progress. This could mean anything from replacing the smoking habit with a healthier a...
Recent posts

Should You Stop Smoking Before Surgery? - Yes!

  Should I try to stop smoking before surgery? That's a decision that many people are faced. Let me say right from the beginning that I am not a medical professional. I am not giving medical advice. I'm not telling anyone what they should or should not do. I'm simply looking at a topic that a lot of people talk about, or have concerns about, and I’m simply discussing my opinions about that topic. I have said many times in my videos it's been 15 years since I stopped smoking cigarettes, and during that time, I did end up in the hospital with non-related health problems. I ended up having to spend a number of overnights in the hospital, and I know when I was it was a cigarette smoker, I was very concerned about how smokers have to handle hospital stays. I did not have any idea how I would handle it. What would I do if I ended up in a hospital where I cannot smoke? I assume that most hospitals do not allow cigarette smoking. Considering the oxygen lines, medications, and e...

What Do You Tell Your Teenager That Wants to Smoke Cigarettes Like You?

What Do You Tell Your Teenager That Wants to Smoke Cigarettes Like You? What do you tell your teenager that wants to smoke cigarettes like you? This is a tough question to answer. If you're a cigarette smoker, like I was, and you have children, as I do, there's going to come to a point when you will likely face this question. If your kids grew up with you smoking, or your spouse or partner smoking, at some point most kids want to emulate their parents. They see their parents as role models. A parent is in many ways a hero to their child, someone that doesn’t do things that are wrong. If they see you smoke, it tells them it’s ok for them to smoke. A parent is someone they can look up to. Someone they can trust. A child learns that if they copy a major league baseball player, for example, or a professional football player, the chance of them seeing the same success increases. See greatness. Copy greatness. Achieve greatness. A child’s parent is the superhero to most children gro...

New Year’s Resolutions and Cigarette Smoking

  Let me give you my thoughts on deciding to quit smoking as a New Year’s Resolution. I'm sure many many, many people have come before you, and on New Year's Eve, they have sat down and said something like “That's it. I'm done. I'm going to quit smoking. I'm going to lose weight. I'm going to get a better job. I'm going to make more money. I'm going to change my life. I'm going to dress better.” Whatever it may be, that is a good time to make changes. Sometimes you need a focal point. Sometimes you need a reason. Sometimes you need that extra little push to just turn around and say “It's that time”. However, my concern is that you don't just impulsively decide to quit smoking. The choice to stop smoking cigarettes is a huge, life-changing decision, and a wonderful one. I'm just concerned that you don't just make that decision without commitment. Give this decision your best effort. Make sure that it is not just something you say, ...

Advice for Someone To Stop Smoking

Advice for Someone To Stop Smoking I used to be a cigarette smoker. For those that may not know me, I quit smoking about 15 years ago and have never looked back. When I was a smoker, and I smoked for a long period of my life, I felt that I probably quit mentally in stages over time while I smoked. What do I mean by that? There were times, for example, when I had a really bad cold. On one hand, I had the need to smoke. On the other hand, I felt lousy. I was congested. Any smoker knows when you have a cold, and you try to smoke, and the smoke is going in there and you already can't breathe, you really are pretty much choking yourself. You are really making yourself more miserable, yet you still have that need to get that nicotine in you. It becomes a really miserable period of time. I think people start to mentally say to themselves that they need to quit smoking ahead of time, so you kind of have different stages where your mind is starting to tell you that this is just not right an...

Celebrities That Smoke Cigarettes - 1

  Celebrities That Smoke Cigarettes. People love to know how celebrities live, especially film and tv stars.  Although they may have more money than most people, which makes everyday things like grocery shopping or cutting the lawn easier for them, they still may have the same habits or even problems that everyone else has. Smoking is no exception. There are a number of celebrities that smoke cigarettes, but many of them keep that out of public view, opting not to be seen puffing on a cigarette where they could be seen or photographed. I want to point out at this point that all the info gathered for this series of blog posts and shorts video has been researched online, and it’s assumed to be accurate. We have no way of knowing if the celebrities really are current or past cigarette smokers, or may quit in the future because I have no first-hand knowledge about any of the celebrities' lives. Our first celebrity has one both Golden Globes as well as Academy awards.  As an a...

How to Stop Nicotine Addiction Forever?

  The question of how to stop nicotine addiction forever has a simple answer, but it may not be easy. Let's take a look at the way nicotine addiction affects most people. According to many experts I have researched, nicotine is usually out of your system in roughly 24 hours. In some cases, the nicotine can last longer in your system, possibly a few days. I don’t know if anyone can predict that, but if you have any concerns about nicotine, please speak to a qualified medical professional. For the most part by the second day after you quit, it becomes more of a mental addiction. This is the part that you have to be prepared for. Because of all the ways, you have associated smoking with your daily routine, such as drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette.  You have to be able to battle this mental addiction. I am not sure if that is an actual term, but I think it does help to describe the difficulty of continuing to not smoke, even after the chemical addiction has stopped affectin...